
What Was Henry David Thoreau’s Primary Purpose In Writing “civil Disobedience”?

The correct answer is the Missouri Compromise.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act implemented the concept of popular sovereignty, meaning that the citizens had the ability to vote on whether or not they wanted the institution of slavery. This ability for the citizens to choose disregards the Missouri Compromise, which stated that any territory above the 36'30 line would be free from slavery. Even though both states are above this line, they can become slave states if their citizens vote for it.


"rapid attack"


Search Results

The word blitzkrieg means "rapid attack" in German, from blitz, or "lightning," paired with krieg, or "war."


social security


Scandinavia has a vast social security system that is very expensive for the government to run, so taxes are very high.

I can only give you an outline, as giving you a whole essay takes too much of my time and it does not help you to improve your essay writing skill

1. (Intro)
1) what the atomic bomb does(physically and mentally)
2)the situation(heavy casualty in the battle of Iwo Jima, a island close to Japanese mainland, high casualty estimate for operation downfall, soviets gathering forces at Sino-soviet boarder preparing to launch assault and capture land)

2. (Body 1)What is the strategic goal of US(unconditional surrender of Japan, as soon as possible, because the Japan must not fall into the hand of the soviets, that goes with Korea, too)

3. (Body 2)What are alternatives other than atomic bombs(1000plane air raids(explain), naval blockage(explain))

4. (Body 3)What is the optimal option(naval blockage, more air raids or atomic bomb)

5. (Conclusion)Summarize

What Was Henry David Thoreau's Primary Purpose In Writing "civil Disobedience"?


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